Sunday, August 27, 2017

5th Grade Promotion

On the last day of school (yes, back in June), they had a promotion ceremony for all the 5th graders.  I liked that they called it that, since I get a little tired of people having "graduations" for every minor achievement.  We were excited to see Bentley finish up his elementary school days-- that's been six years (more than half!) of his life!

No, I didn't cry when all the proud 5th graders came marching into the cafeteria.  Why would you even ask that???  And seeing that Bentley had actually put on his tie (like I'd asked, but which he'd refused to promise to do) for the occasion.  No, that wouldn't make me cry.  Sheesh!

Unfortunately, they lined the kids up so that that super tall girl was blocking my view of Bentley!  But Craig managed to snap this!
There he is shaking the principal's hand
Here he is with his certificate

Looking properly embarrassed

And then bolting

With his teacher, Miss McQuitty, whom we all adored (and who is also CRAZY tall!)
I tried to take a selfie, but he wouldn't smile since we were at school still and he didn't want to be seen smiling (I guess???)

So I copied his face, instead

Back at home he said he'd smile for me, but instead did this

I love this picture, even if it is slightly blurry

And here we are being super cool.  So.  Cool.

Anyway, it was a proud moment for me.  My little boy here is trying to grow up on me!

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