Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Fall Portraits

I just realized that I never published the rest of our portraits from October!  I was so pleased with how these turned out, especially considering I refused to buy any clothes this time.  (Next year I am going all out shopping for cute outfits, but that just seemed too silly and difficult during Covid...)  I always figure that I do these instead of paying for the school portraits of my kids (which are ridiculously expensive and usually not particularly good pictures), but this year there ARE no school pictures, so I'm extra glad that I found a photographer to do this!  Gotta document these kids-- they're growing like weeds these days!  (Seriously, Kendra is going to pass me up any day now, and Bentley suddenly outgrew all his pants just this last month.  It's craziness!)

The boys!

I love the lighting and Colton's smile here.  I actually like candid Craig, too, even though he doesn't.

The girls!

Another shot with GREAT lighting

This was what we used for our Christmas card and I LOVE it!

Aren't we cute?

This is a very Kendra look


Very mischievous grin here...


All the kiddos

And this is my new banner on the old blog!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Such a beautiful good looking family! I love all the pictures. I can’t believe how quickly the children are growing up!