Friday, January 1, 2021

Winter Break

First off, these pictures make me laugh:

After church, I left my boots on the floor.  Craig rearranged them to look like this and I nearly died laughing!

Camille's incredibly expressive face.  She should have been a silent movie star...

We survived that last week of Zoom school (with EVERYONE back at home full time-- sigh) and then I gleefully turned off ALL the alarms on my phone.  FREEDOM!!!!

We celebrated on Monday by going to Kings Dominion all afternoon and evening!  I was so happy that they'd opened up again, even if it was limited hours, rides, etc.  We were outside the whole time, people were good about wearing their masks, and it wasn't crowded at all, so it felt plenty safe to me.  And we'd lucked out because Monday was the warmest and driest day that week, which is hard to find in December!  It was cold by the end of the evening, but we had a great time!

Pretending to ride the big roller coaster (that's one chair they've squeezed into) while their older siblings actually ride it!

Trying to entertain Camille when I realized she was too short to ride the bumper cars...

l-r, we've got Craig, Ryder, Bentley (with Colton), and Kendra!

These bumper cars were okay for Camille (and she had a lot more fun than it looks like in this picture)!

I loved how Bentley was a good sport about going on all the little kiddie rides with his siblings!

It's really hard to fit all of us into one selfie!

I like that Ryder is shaking Charlie Brown's hand here...

That was one of the evenings you were supposed to be able to see the "Bethlehem star"-- Jupiter and Saturn super close together.  I kind of liked that Craig got a picture of it near the nativity scene!

That is one Lit Snoopy

We always make the kids ride the carousel

Such a fun day!  We stopped and got Chick-fil-A for the kids for the drive home, which was a great ending (even if I was mean and wouldn't let them have condiments).  Hooray for winter break!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

What a great day at King's Dominion! I laughed out loud at your boots! I enjoy all the pictures and the window into your life in Virginia!!