Wednesday, November 17, 2010


These have been the items on my "to do" list for the last little while:

-Set up crib
-Wash bumper sets
-Get winter clothes for Bentley and Kendra
-Pack hospital bag
-Re-read The Big Book of Birth
-Buy socks for Kendra
-Rearrange the nursery until it's how I want it
-Rearrange the kids' rooms, too, while I'm at it
-Mop kitchen floor
-Get my hair cut
-Wrap and mail Christmas presents (well, just for two families; everyone else is coming to see me, so I'm going to just hand them their Christmas presents)
-Get rid of the potty training toilet seat
-Get out baby clothes
-Make sure someone is called as my committee chair so I can make her do all the work for the Relief Society Christmas party (which is scheduled for two days after my due date)
-Wash and put away baby clothes
-Buy outfit(s) for the baby to come home from the hospital in (everyone deserves something new, right?)
-Wash the infant car seat
-Clean the baby swing

I am very pleased to announce that as of right now, all those things are DONE. I think this means I can switch from "nesting" mode to "maintaining" mode and just try to keep on top of the housework until the baby comes. As I was falling asleep last night, I realized that after my trip to the post office this morning, my list would be complete. Probably due to that, all night long I had dreams where I was leaving for the hospital. I feel like I'm finally really ready for this baby.

14 days and counting!


Nancy said...

Yea for checking everything off! My to do lists just keep growing and growing. So, even if I've checked off a ton, the list is always long. Boo.

Jen Evans said...

I am so excited for your baby. It is not only a mystery gender, but a mystery name too! Double excitement. And the whole baby thing will be cool too, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Good job on your list! My to do list is incredibly long! It keeps getting pushed aside with school things, work things, and the fact that if I do too much in one day I make myself miserable. (like yesterday!) I think I'll be lucky to get everything done before my baby comes (42 days! though I seriously doubt I'll make it that long)

Natalie R. said...

Congrats!!!! That's very exciting, what a great thing to have so much done!!! Now go put a movie on for the kids and take a nap... :0)

Nicole said...

wow, i'm impressed. when i was that pregnant, i accomplished NOTHING.

)en said...

I think you should just be in "lazy mode" from now on. I'm tired from reading your list. Actually maybe I'll just go to lazy mode...