Saturday, November 6, 2010

Poll Time!

I'm adding two polls for you to take. These are the two things that preoccupy my thoughts, so why not let you worry about them for a bit along with me? Sorry-- no prizes for the winner(s). Just the knowledge that you totally knew what was going on before I did. Don't you feel smart now?


Natalie R. said...

Judging by the current results, you're having twins (a boy AND a girl), and they'll be born on Thanksgiving!!! CONGRATS!!! ;0)

)en said...

If you have a girl, will you name her Jennifer? Or maybe just Jen, which would make it edgy? I'm just asking.

I'm also realizing--and tell me if you agree-- that if you're going to have a boy & a girl, it's better to have the boy first because boy hand-me-downs to a girl are totally fine, and cute, but girl hand-me-downs to a boy-- not so much. Agree?

Alanna said...

I already have a sister-in-law named Jeni and the most boring last name ever, so we'll probably try to go with something a little less heard of, if you know what I mean. You'd be amazed how hard it is to find names that work with the last name "Smith." Seriously! Anything starting or ending with an "s" is automatically out. Joseph & Hyrum & Emma & Lucy are out. And anything normal, like John, is out. Even "th" sounds you sort of want to steer clear of! It's a nightmare!

I TOTALLY agree that you can use hand-me-down boy clothes for girls, but not the other way. My little girl wears her brother's old jeans all the time, but if Lucky is a boy, he will NOT be wearing her jeans! The upside to girls is that they can wear more colors, as long as it's a dress. If it's in dress form, blue is totally okay on a girl! Poor boys really never get to wear pink or purple, though...

Deep stuff, trying to dress and name these babies!