Monday, November 1, 2010


Although I still hate cold weather, it's interesting to me that I find it much more acceptable in November than I do in September or October. So I'm not too terribly bitter about this morning's chilliness. When I opened up my shades this morning, the sun was shining on the red leaves behind my neighbor's house making it all look like it wanted to go up in flames, but in a beautiful way.

And now, a random question: has anyone else heard of Mischief Day? Every year on October 30th, Craig insists that we leave all our outdoor lights on because he says that this is the night that kids go around causing trouble-- smashing up your pumpkin or something, I guess. I had never heard of this before, so I can't decide if this is just Craig being paranoid, or if growing up in the middle of the woods where no one could find our house even when they wanted to I just missed out on experiences like this. Or maybe it's just an east coast thing. What do you think?

Oh-- don't forget to vote tomorrow!!!


Erin said...

Yup, I've heard of it. But I think the correct term is Mischief Night. Since usually all the mischief happens after dark. I don't think much of anything ever happened to our house. We might have had our pumpkin smashed one year. It was mostly smashing pumpkins I think, maybe the occasional tping of a house.

Alanna said...

Oh-- I'm sure you're right about it being Mischief NIGHT and not day! Oops!

Maybe it's a New Jersey thing?

Natalie R. said...

Hmm, I've never heard of it before, but maybe it's an east coast thing like you said?

I'm glad you're enjoying Fall, it's my favorite time of the year!!!

Nancy said...

I thought that the mischief was the "trick" part of trick or treating. Throwing eggs and houses, etc. Whatever it was, we didn't have it in California. Or at least I wasn't cool enough (or mischievous enough) to be involved.

Juliana said...

I have absolutely nothing to contribute with the Mischief Day (Night?!)--BUT, I do agree with you about the weather. I'm always especially grumpy at the cold weather when I am sure that there should still be plenty of perfectly beautiful Fall temperature around. In September I still feel robbed. By November, I'm just happy there isn't a blizzard.

Natalie R. said...

So I'm watching NCIS, and they just mentioned "Mischief Day" on it! So I guess Craig definitely didn't just make it up!

Erin said...

I'm not sure about it being just an east coast thing - I saw some pumpkins smashed on the street as I was driving too and from work today. I wasn't aware of too much ever happening on mischief night growing up, so I think, like Halloween, it's dying out a bit.

EmmaJ said...

I'm with Nancy, about the "Trick" part. The mischief in my town was always done by the teenagers who were too old for the treats.