Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some Pictures

Here are some pictures from my parent's visit and Ryder's blessing. I have more on Craig's phone, but I haven't uploaded those yet, so this is not the end of this. But enjoy Round 1!

Nap time for Craig and the "big kids." If you look, it's pretty obvious that Kendra and Bentley are both faking it.
I think Craig may have actually been asleep, though...

Cousin Picture Time! Here they are, modeling the AWESOME Sue Sylvester Sweatsuits that my sister Leah gave them for Christmas. I love these!

They were all squinting from the sun, so we decided to make the best of it.

And out on the grass...

Grandma and Grandpa brought back adorable Hawaiian outfits for all the grandkids.
(Notice that they didn't get any clothes for their actual children!)

The cupcakes I made for Ryder's blessing. (Thank, Megan for this great idea!!!)

Ryder is buds with Grandpa

Ryder takes a nap on Grandma's shoulder

Meanwhile, Bentley's Batman costume is getting weirder and weirder...
(The shorts-over-the-pants look is what happens when you let him watch the 1960's TV show. I'm not sure why the Mickey Mouse ears got added to the mix, though.)

Bentley transforms mild-mannered "Daddy" into... Robin!!!

And I LOVE this picture.

And that's it for now!


Natalie R. said...

Those are great pictures, I love seeing them! I'm so glad Ryder's blessing went so well, it was a really great experience. And hooray for cousins pictures, those are so cute!

Patrice said...

What a great way to start the day-seeing those adorable pictures and remembering what a fun time we had!

Rachael said...

These pictures are adorable! I especially like the faces some of them are pulling. And the Mouse accessories are a nice touch. :)

Juliana said...

Once again, I am looking at your photos thinking "Alanna's kids have WAY more fun than I do!" I'm both jealous and impressed! :)