Monday, March 28, 2011

4 months!

Ryder is officially four months old today!

And I have to say, I really love this age. At 4 months, babies can smile and interact with you and be totally cute and fun. Nothing perks me up faster than walking into Ryder's room when he's just woken up from a nap and watching him burst into that joyous, gummy smile just because I'm there. Seriously, who knew I could be so popular? And this time around, I know that this stage is fleeting, so I'm trying to soak it in and enjoy it as much as possible.

As if that weren't enough, I love that Ryder is still completely immobile. So I can set him down somewhere with the full confidence that he will be RIGHT THERE when I come back. I don't need to worry about him falling down the stairs, rolling off the changing table, or pulling heavy things off shelves and hurting himself. In fact, if I can keep his siblings from harassing him too much, he's usually pretty happy just laying on the floor kicking! It's a beautiful thing.

Seriously, what isn't to love about a 4-month-old?

This morning, I was feeding Ryder and (as he's prone to do whenever he's eating) he fell asleep . Suddenly he began giggling. In his sleep! What could possibly make a baby laugh in his sleep?!? It was hilarious. I keep whispering in his ear, "Stay this happy. Never turn into a grumpy toddler!"

Recently, he's also enjoyed sucking on his thumb. Bentley and Kendra were both binky addicts, so this is new ground for our family. But if it means I don't have to panic any time I forget and leave the house without a pacifier, I'm all for it!

I love my little Ryder.


Nancy said...

Except you can't get rid of the thumb!

I also love 4 months. I'm a total mess with newborns and when they are 4 months old I finally feel like I have a hang of things and will survive (and that they will too).

Erin said...

Those are some awesome faces. And he looks very pleased with himself for being 4 months. Gareth's a thumb-sucker and it's been fine. He really only sucks it to go to sleep at this point, though he will occasionally ask if he can go get his orange blanket so that he can suck his thumb. Hopefully in the next year or two we'll be able to give up the blanket and the thumb. Anyway, Ryder's a cutie!

Natalie R. said...

Samuel used a pacifier to go to sleep, but never liked his fingers. Caleb loves his fingers, but won't take a pacifier. Sounds like he and Ryder are on the same page. :0)

Your little Ryder is sure a cutie, and I agree that he's at a great stage of life!

ugkuyg said...

I can't believe he's already 4 months old! That went by me at least :) he seems like such a happy baby!

Nicole said...

he looks like such a happy little guy! so fun!

)en said...

beautiful kids, beautiful baby. What awesome faces he makes! That last stripey one is gold.

Juliana said...

So, you're going to come to Seattle all summer too, right? :) And I can play with Ryder in person? Please!

EmmaJ said...

4 months already! I love the pictures on the carpet. He is such a cutie.