I've decided that another thing like this is making bread. I don't know why this is the case. It's not like the bread I make is so amazing and better than the bread you could buy. (Honestly, Pillsbury's French bread might be better than the stuff I can make.) But something about kneading the dough and letting rise and smelling it baking just makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I never would have guessed this when I was in college.
I also feel the same way when I read non-fiction. I'm one of those people who sort of devours books like food, so reading definitely falls into the "pleasure" category. But fiction is my big weakness. When I can drag myself away from the fiction aisle at the library and read something that's factual, I get all the joy of reading plus the feeling that I'm learning something. It's lovely. It's also the reason I like to keep track of everything I've read on Goodreads.com. I enjoy seeing what my friends have read and getting ideas of what to read next, but even more than that, I love seeing what I've read and feeling like even a stay-at-home mom can be learning all the time.
Laundry is another chore I find satisfying. I wish the satisfaction could last longer-- I'm always shocked at how quickly it piles up when I'm pretty sure I just folded and put everything away about twelve minutes ago. But I sure like having closets and drawers full of potential clothes to wear (both for me and for my family). And now that I have my laundry room back and get to walk through our lovely downstairs (without shoes!!!), it's even better. It's also the chore I can do best with the kids around-- I put on some loud music, they bring their toys into the bedroom and play at my feet, and we're all pretty happy. It's also an especially good chore for winter time, when clothes are fresh out of the dryer and warm and cozy.
The last thing I want to mention here is gardening. Now, I have to admit-- I have completely neglected my poor little garden these last few weeks, so don't get the wrong idea about my work ethic. It hasn't helped that some thing has eaten through all the most recent produce, so I've sort of given up for now and am vowing to try harder next year. But seeing this
Next year I hope to really make a go of this gardening thing. My in-laws got me Square Foot Gardening for my birthday along with the Glee soundtracks. I figure between having the added knowledge and some good music to listen to while I'm planting and weeding, coupled with not being pregnant, will make for an unstoppable garden next year.
So-- what are the chores you find yourself surprised to enjoy?
I'm glad I'm not the only one to miss baths far too often. I, too, feel like an especially good mother when I manage to remember to squeeze a bath in before Gareth's in bed. The other item that falls in this category is brushing his teeth in the morning. At night I never forget, but feel horribly guilty about morning brushing having fallen victim to my difficult adjusting to routine changes (though I always do mine, which makes it even more ridiculous).
Weeding, I love. I love being able to clearly see my progress. Cleaning up the kitchen also, for much the same reason.
Normally I'd be right with you on the non-fiction, but of late it feels like that's all I'm interested in!
I like doing the dishes during the day (not so much after dinner when you have a ton of big ones). I like folding because I can watch TV guilt free! And if someone else will pick everything up off the floor, I like vacuuming.
:) This was great.
And also I have to tell you that something is eating our tomatoes too!! We don't know what it is (but it's something that can scale or fly over a giant fence). Four times now, we've said to each other "You know, that tomato is looking ready to pick!" then we decide we'll pick it tomorrow ... but then we wake up and it is gone!!! Whatever is eating our tomatoes waits until they're about perfect and then nabs 'em. Quite upsetting really...
i actually feel the same way about laundry, which is odd, since those tedious, repetitive chores usually irritate me.
i also really enjoy the feeling of finishing things--like leftovers or bottles of shampoo. weird, but true.
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