Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It consistently amazes me how quickly the kids change. I know this is nothing new or profound, but that doesn't mean that the actual reality of them getting older and learning new things is not shocking to me on a near-daily basis.

Kendra used to have a phrase, but she's already moved on from it. But I have to write about it here so I won't completely forget it. She used to come up to me and pat my leg and ask, "Duning, mommy, duning?" This, of course, meant, "What are you doing, Mommy?" But I liked her version better. As I said, this is already obsolete. Now she asks, "What doing?" which is much closer to a complete sentence and signals a definite transition in her speech. But that previous phrase sure was fun while it lasted.

Because this involves the same word, I also have to mention: Kendra just mastered the art of rolling her wrists or whatever you might call it-- the classic gesture associated with the song "Do As I'm Doing." She calls it, "I'm Doing I'm Doing." Close enough.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Yay for Kendra! It is amazing how fast they move on, isn't it? It's always fun to suddenly realize that Samuel's saying something way better than he used to say it. The other day he suddenly said (in English), "Why are you talking?" It was so funny, he must've picked it up in nursery??