Friday, January 15, 2010


I am loving this warm weather. In my past experience with Virginia winters (only a few, but still), this is more like what it's been like: it will get really cold, and then it will warm up. Then it will cool down, and back and forth and back and forth. So you'll have some cold days, but never too many in a row. This winter I think it's been in the 30's for nearly a month now, and I have been hating life. I know this isn't the first time I've moaned about how much I hate being cold, but my fear and dread of it just don't seem to go away. If I had my druthers, I would just hibernate all winter long.

Anyway, this bit of warmth (57 degrees today!) has been fabulous. I feel like I can go outside without tensing every single muscle against the cold. And I just wore a sweater without freezing. And if the kids want to fight me about wearing a coat, then who cares? And perhaps best of all, Craig can finally take his saw outside and cut down our closet shelves so they'll fit (this, of course, will be done with the help of his trusty little sidekicks). I might have closet shelves again some day! Hallelujah! Does it get any better than that?

If you're not already convinced that this is a big deal to me, just wait: in celebration of the warm weather, I actually left the house today! And not just for groceries! I went to yoga, brought the kids to the bookstore to play (they were actually more interested in the books than in the trains; that's a first), visited with some friends, and am planning on going to the basketball game at Manassas Park High School tonight. Look at me, leaving my little cocoon-of-a-home! All because it warmed up a bit.

Not to get too political, but I think this is a big reason why I can't ever get myself worked up about global warming: truth to tell, I sort of like the idea of things warming up. It sounds so pleasant and lovely to me! A period of global warming was one of the factors that brought about the Renaissance that spread all over Europe and which people like me continue to get great joy out of. If I had to sit down with Al Gore and talk about, I think I'd probably say something wildly inappropriate. Possibly, "Bring it on, Al!"


Jen Evans said...

I know a song that refers to global warming as a "reward" and "now we can swim any day in November". Sounds good to me!

Nancy said...

This week has been heavenly, especially since I was in Ohio last week at my in-laws' and it was in single digits and teens the whole time we were there.

My family in California can't believe me when I tell them that it was warm at 57 degrees. They still think that's freezing cold.

Natalie R. said...

We're especially glad about the brief warmer days because we just got our electric bill on Monday... Yay for not needing much heat for a few days!! ;0)