Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I was horrified to discover that while I thought my house was simply being festive all during the Christmas season, apparently the dust bunnies were hiding out behind all the decorations procreating like crazy. Gross. On so many levels. You'll be pleased to know that I've been vacuuming and dusting all day, with plenty still to go. (This is the best thing about holding meetings at my house-- I finally get around to doing all this stuff!)

And, since most of my activities for this week involve staying home, I finally ran out of reasons to keep putting off the inevitable. We started potty training today. (Cue the scary music right here.) More on this one later.


Jen Evans said...

Good luck! Lizzie is almost trained!

Natalie R. said...

good luck with potty training, and good job cleaning house. It's always good to have an excuse for a good, thorough cleaning session! Samuel started getting a cough yesterday, so we stayed home almost all day. And it was amazing how nice the apartment looked by the end of the day. :0)

Juliana said...

Sometimes while cleaning, I tell myself "oh, I haven't used that end table, its already/still clean!" and I move on to more obvious messes (like the kitchen). Only to find, later, that an inch of dust has collected on the candles, lamp and other cute decorations that I don't really use. Does that really seem fair?