Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Sorry, in Advance.

Because I can't help but brag about this. Because I know it won't happen again for another month. So this is my way of enjoying it while I can.

Because last night


slept through the night.

And it was AWESOME.

I fed him around 9:00 at night. We kept him up way too late (oops). And then he slept until 8:30 the next morning. It's gotten to the point where I feel selfish keeping him all to myself. I think maybe we should clone him so scores of other people can have such an easy baby.

Let me know if you want one.

My kids: Too cool for school.


Liz said...

So cute! ps: Are Kendra + Bentley really the same height...?? They totally look like it in that picture!

ugkuyg said...

just thought you'd like to know that Ellie woke up FIVE times last night. I read your post and sort of wanted to cry...

EmmaJ said...

Watch out! It was this kind of good behavior that got us thinking we could handle another one.

Nicole said...

wow. i kind of hate you a little bit. okay, not really. congrats on the great sleeper. that must be nice.

Natalie R. said...

That's really awesome, I'm so glad he's sleeping so well!!! I love that picture, too - they all have the same facial expression of, "Yeah, I know I rock." Super cute!