Sunday, January 30, 2011


One of the Christmas presents Bentley and Kendra got was the Pixar movie WALL·E. Craig and I hadn't seen it before, so we decided it would make for a good Friday movie night for the whole family. And considering that there was hardly any dialogue, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it! (Although I've like every Pixar movie I've ever seen, so it wasn't a huge surprise or anything...) Wall-e and Eva's very sweet relationship was especially fun to watch.

I was a little surprised by Craig's reaction to it, though. At one point in the movie where Eva suddenly gets angry and blasts something with her laser arm, Craig busted up laughing. "I like Eva!" he announced, "She reminds me of you!"

Um, okay? But for lack of any better options, I decided to take that as a compliment.

But what really made me laugh was the next day when Bentley asked to watch the movie again. As I was getting it loaded up, he told me, "I like Eva, she's nice. Except, sometimes she's kind of scary."

{Sigh.} That's me, I guess.


Tracy said...

Don't worry Alanna-you're a good kind of scary. :)

Nancy said...

I haven't seen Wall-E, but now I kind of want to so I can see what you're really like. :)

Nancy said...

Oh, and the other day Ella designed a workshop called "If your dad is mean..." and put poster advertisements up all over the house. She even gave exampled of when a dad is mean. Brandon took it more humorously than I would have.

Natalie R. said...

That's pretty hilarious, I love that Craig chose that particular moment to compare you to her! I don't think you're scary, though, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. ;0)

cms87 said...

LOL. Well I think you are pretty nice and no-scary.

cms87 said...

I meant non-scary. oops.

Nicole said...

i adore eve. i think she's hilarious.