Saturday, January 29, 2011

Politics As Usual

Every so often, I just can't keep my opinions to myself. So I have to share this video with you, which explains what exactly President Obama's promise to cut $100 million from the budget means. Thanks to my friend Neal (who doesn't read my blog, but oh, well) for sharing this on facebook!


Patrice said...

That was a very effective demonstration!!
PS We were sorry you didn't show up in chinatown eating chocolate!

Liz said...

FYI: The article from the beginning of the video was dated April 2009.

Anyhow, I'm assuming you watched the recent State of the Union address -- what did you think? :) -Liz

Alanna said...

Okay, guilty confession time: I didn't actually watch the State of the Union Address, I just read commentaries on it. Big shock-- Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh weren't terribly impressed by it!

Natalie R. said...

That's very effective, thanks for sharing! It's really scary to think of how much trouble our country is in financially!!!!

cms87 said...

I LOVED this video. It was great. I even made Dwain watch it. Talk about putting things into perspective. I had Dwain do the math for me because it seemed so crazy. It all added up. WOW!