Monday, January 31, 2011

More Video

Sorry to keep posting so many videos, but I just came across this one and realized that grandparents would probably get a kick out of it. If you're not a grandparent, don't feel guilty if you don't want to bother!

Anyway, this is from back in October when Bentley & Kendra decided their tent poles made excellent drum sticks. I imagine that some day this form of drumming will be the cool new way to exercise-- much like zumba, tae bo, and spin classes.

Drumming: Exercise of the Future


Oneup said...

Patent the idea while you can!

Natalie R. said...

Wow, that's pretty awesome! He's got some pretty fancy footwork, and Kendra's doing a pretty good job at keeping up with him! :0)

Liz said...

That's awesome! ps: When I grew up in New Hampshire we had a brick fireplace just like that. Ahh, memories. :o)