Sunday, July 24, 2011

This is what I thought about during Sacrament meeting today

How is it possible for one (nearly) 8-month-old baby, with all the normal number of limbs, to simultaneously pull the neck of my shirt down, pull my hair, choke me with my own necklace, AND pull my skirt up?

And then the next question: why don't I just show up for church in my pajama pants and flip flops? At least, until my kids are in college. Because I think it would be much less hazardous...


Patrice said...

I remember Mary Bell telling me she felt like a jungle gym at church!

Nancy said...

I've thought the same thing before. If I wear nylons, my kids shoes (usually the Velcro part) snags them. If my skirt has an elastic waistband they somehow pull it down and flash everyone. It's always getting pulled up. And there's no point in ironing anything because they wrinkle it all up sitting, laying, snuggling, etc.

Natalie R. said...

Yeah, every time I wear a knee-length skirt, I swear to myself I won't make that mistake again. But most of my skirts are knee-length, so I make that same mistake almost every Sunday. Kids certainly keep you on your toes, don't they??