Friday, October 28, 2011

11 months!

Ryder is 11 months old today! I don't usually get around to blogging about stuff like this, but today is doubly momentous because he also just cut his first tooth, too! It's about time-- all the younger babies have had teeth for ages now! Not that I've been worried-- that's just how we do things in my family. But still, it was time.

The sad news is that in addition to the new tooth, Ryder also has a cold. The same one Bentley had last week, actually. So he's coughing like a seal and running a fever (102.8!). Usually I'm a fan of letting fevers run their course, but with the new tooth, too, I figured this little baby was miserable enough and needed some Tylenol. We'll see if that puts him in a better mood!

And now, for your enjoyment, here's a video I took of Ryder the other day doing his famous singing act:

I love my little singing Ryder!


Patrice said...

Ryder must be taking after his mommy to be singing so early in life. He is so adorable. I can't believe he is already 11 months old!!! Exciting that he is getting his first tooth!!

Natalie R. said...

Wow, what's funny I that I was thinking how late Ryder is to get a tooth, and then I remembered that Samuel didn't get his first until he was almost 13 months!! Crazy kid.

Ryder sure is cute! I can't watch the video well on my iPod, but I'll be sure to watch it tomorrow. I can't believe he's almost a year old!!

Natalie R. said...

Samuel and I just watched Ryder singing, he is very talented!! Maybe by next year he'll be ready for American Idol or something awesome like that. ;0)