Sunday, October 30, 2011


Generally speaking, Craig is one of the most supportive husbands ever. On those days when I do nothing but read Dear Abby all day, his response runs towards, "Thanks for keeping the kids fed!" And when Ryder is sick and I'm exhausted from dealing with a grumpy baby all day, Craig just asks, "Little Caesar's tonight?" (These examples may or may not have both happened this week...) Craig is wonderful.

So the one thing that he is almost never supportive of surprises me: baked pumpkin seeds.

I'm not sure what about them he doesn't like. I do all the work, sorting them from the pumpkin goop, rinsing and drying, salting and baking. But every year as he carves our pumpkin and I begin picking out the seeds, his response is the same: "Don't bother doing that! Who cares about eating pumpkin seeds? They aren't even that good! We should just throw them away this year!"

And every year I ignore him and continue going about my work. And as I smell the warm saltiness of baking seeds in the oven, I'm always glad I did. But it's funny, don't you think? I can't say that I really mind, though.

More pumpkin seeds for me!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Hmm, I feel like there might be a story he's not telling you... Maybe you need to go into detail - delve, if you will - into his psyche!! ;0)

Feel free to save some for me!