Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lazy Day Picture Post

It's a gloomy, rainy day, I have nothing planned, and my house is a mess. So naturally I'm choosing to post pictures on the ol' blog. Because anything sounds more fun than cleaning, right now! Besides, Craig and I both just uploaded lots of pictures from his phone and my camera, so I have a lot to show you. Hope it's not too overwhelming!

Sorry, the whole "take a picture of the baby sleeping during church" still hasn't gotten old for me, yet!

And this time I managed to catch Daddy sleeping, too!

I love this cousin picture so much.

This one is pretty fun, too, actually. I especially love all the red!

Remember how I mentioned that Bentley turned 5 (um, a month ago)? Well, look-- we actually did celebrate that milestone! We even documented it, too:

His first model rocket. He was beyond excited about this...

This is what Bentley looks like when he's concentrating

This looked better before the gel oozed a bit. Oh, well, I try. Nice bat, huh?

Goofing around with Daddy. This is another picture I love.

One of the (many) favorite toys from Grandma & Grandpa

Time to blow out the candles!

We actually celebrated Bentley's birthday a day early. Because on his big day, our ward had a Day of Service. Any service we did for the community was probably negated by the amount of destruction committed against our own personal property during the process. But we tried. (Note to self: NEVER let Daddy put shoes on the kids before they go painting. He will undermine all your efforts to dress them in grungy clothes by letting Kendra wear (and destroy) her brand new shoes. Gr.)

.Kendra shows off the lovely stripe of paint in her hair. Turns out paint is really hard to wash out of hair. I'd rank it up there with gum, actually.

I put one of the "Mormon Helping Hands" vests on Ryder. He didn't like it, but I thought it was fun!

My kids hard at work

It's turned into warm pajama weather around here. I do love buying a new set of PJs for the kids!

Getting ready to launch his rocket

Finger on the trigger...

Very artsy picture by Craig. I love the lighting. This one is worth clicking on so you get the full sized image.

Ryder is excited to see his siblings through the glass

Whenever Craig mows the lawn, Bentley will get out his toy lawn mower (which blows bubbles!) and follow right behind Daddy. Craig suddenly worried that by next summer he won't be doing this any more, and asked me to come out and document it:

Pretty soon, they'll be ready for Dave Barry's Lawn Rangers!

Ryder is continuing to enjoy standing against things. He's also been climbing the stairs when I'm not looking (or, like yesterday, when I'm in the shower). He hasn't fallen down yet, but I'm already afraid for when it will happen... I knew we should have carpeted those stairs!

And the kids have been playing dress up a lot:

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa, for some Batman clothes that actually fit him! And which will keep him warm!

Buzz Lightyear and Arial. Thanks for the costumes, Mom!

And now. I should probably tackle this disaster of a house that is mine! Or possibly check facebook. Again...


Craig said...

So, which is more irreverent? Napping in Sunday School, or taking pictures in SS?

Patrice said...

That reminds me of my favorite picture of Craig praying at graduation!

Loved all the photos-the kids are so cute-love the cousins together and Ryder looking at his big brother and sister. I can relate to Craig sleeping with Ryder in church-is that catching from in-laws?

Emily said...

I'm pretty sure that Craig was closing his eyes for the prayer that you were taking pics through, right? lol

My Bentley LOVES his Imaginext stuff, and has been asking for that dinosaur stuff - thus far we've stuck to Batman and Space stuff.

He's also being Buzz Lightyear for Halloween this year!

Miss you guys!

Natalie R. said...

I love the cousins picture, so fun! Bentley mowing and the new costumes are super cute, too. Happy birthday to Bentley, and Craig - "Awake!" ;0)