Sunday, August 17, 2008


I already wrote once about how Kendra was developing her own form of being delicate, so I hope I'm not beating a dead horse by writing about this one, but it did manage to make me laugh. So I just finished feeding her solids for the first time (!), but in the middle of it all, Bentley started crying, so I went upstairs to take care of him. When I came back down the stairs, Kendra had somehow managed to wipe her face clean! I know it was just by luck as she tried to chew on her bib, but it still seemed quite remarkable to leave her covered in rice cereal and find her suddenly clean without my doing anything!

Anyway, she seemed to take to the rice cereal pretty well. Mostly this just means that at her 6-month checkup tomorrow I can tell the doctor that Yes, I've been giving her solids. Maybe this way the doctor won't make me think I'm a horrible mother, although I sort of doubt it-- I don't think I've ever come away from those appointments without feeling guilty about SOMEthing! The worst was probably after Bentley's six or four month checkup (I can't remember which) when the doctor actually added a note about "tummy time is a good thing" because he wasn't rolling over yet. Ouch!

But back to the point of this post (if there ever was one), it was time to get the solids going with Kendra, I suppose, especially now that I don't have the teaching gig as an excuse not to. So I'm glad I finally got around to it and that it went fairly well.

By the way, I do have to brag that those are some pretty decent pictures considering I was both taking the pictures AND feeding the baby. Hope you're impressed!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Excellent job on the photos, that's fun. I think I remember Mom saying that I was just as lady-like as a baby! ;0)

I didn't give Samuel solids until after his 6 month appt. I guess I was worried about starting before I had permission from his doctor! Yes, I am a nerd. ;0)