Monday, August 11, 2008


Can I just say that I HATE paperwork?

We're trying to get everything ready so we can close on this house (TOMORROW!!!!!!!!), and it's amazing to me how many little stupid things there are to get done-- termite inspections; home inspections; home appraisals; getting the water, gas and electricity turned on; fixing stuff in the house so that it appraises just fine; homeowners insurance; mortgage company stuff; title company stuff... The list just goes on and on. I've been busy teaching, so I've let Craig do pretty much all of it, but even just hearing about it tends to stress me out.

I don't know how so many people have managed to buy homes! And I guess they all managed to do this stuff, so maybe I'm just dumb for thinking it's complicated, but yeeesh! Kudos to all you homeowners out there! I don't know how you all managed to do this without going crazy. I'm just barely holding on as it is!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Hearing all that you guys have had to go through to get the place makes me scared ever to buy a home ourselves!! I'm glad in hindsight that it all got worked out!!!