Sunday, August 31, 2008


Is it just me or do doctors and nurses try their best to make me feel incompetent on the rare occasion when I feel like I'm doing everything that I possibly can be doing?

I had to take Kendra to the doctor again today (Urgent Care, since it's Sunday), and the nurse was absolutely ridiculous! The first thing she does is weigh Kendra. The scale read 15 lb 1 oz, but she decides that Kendra's diaper "looks full," so she just writes down 14 lbs instead. A pound of urine in a diaper? (And just for the record, when the doctor actually took off her diaper, five minutes later, it was totally dry, so no I was not being neglectful!) How's that for sound medical practice? So then, while all this is going on, Kendra is getting fussy. That's not too surprising-- she's still getting over this virus and has suddenly developed a rash all over her face (at least the thrush has cleared up!) and her feeding had just been interrupted! So I apologetically explain to the nurse that she's in the middle of her meal and that's why she's a bit cranky, to which the nurse asks me what time she needed to eat and I say, "Now." So then she looks at me and says, "Well, why didn't you feed her before you came?"

Let's just think about that for a moment, shall we? I woke Kendra up from her very short nap so that we could leave the house at 9:45 in order to get to the Woodbridge medical center (the Manassas one doesn't have urgent care) in time for her 10:30 appointment and then sat waiting until 11:00. So at 11:00 she was hungry. Now, why on earth did it not occur to me to have my poor sick baby skip her morning nap entirely so that I could feed her two hours early??? What kind of a mother am I?

But of course, I didn't have time to explain that one to the nurse, she was off finding a room to shove us into before my brain could fully wrap itself around the ridiculousness of her question.


1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

"And the way I feel just makes me want to scream!!!!"