Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Of Sneezes and Daddies

Last night as Craig and I were going to bed, Kendra began waking up. This is a very common occurrence, as she sleeps at the foot of our bed (one of the things I'm most looking forward to when we move is Kendra getting her own room!), and Craig and I can never just go to sleep without at least a few minutes of chatting. It always happens the same way, too-- we'll be whispering as quietly as we can and then we'll hear the thumping of Kendra's legs as she kicks against her mattress. That's our signal to hurriedly end the conversation before she can completely wake up.

I guess we pushed our luck last night, though, because she woke up enough to start babbling-- we suddenly heard a very charming, "A da da da da da...." followed by some more kicks. I figured we were doomed and I'd have to feed her. (Not that feeding the baby is such a terrible thing, but it was 11:30 and I was really tired.) So I did what any really tired person would do and laid there with my eyes half-closed waiting to see what Kendra would do next. She repeated her "da da da" once more and then sneezed-- a really wet cartoony sounding sneeze, if the truth be known-- and suddenly she was asleep again! Craig and I gave each other a questioning "Did she just fall asleep after sneezing?" look, sighed with relief, and went to sleep ourselves. She slept until 7:00am.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Oh the thumping of feet on the mattress... How I used to dread that sound in the middle of the night! Now Samuel has found something more effective - throwing his pacifier on the hardwood floor. I'm glad she went back to sleep after her sneeze! ;0)