Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So previously I talked about how I've come to think of the cars in the parking lots as having their own personalities. Recently I've become concerned with one of my automobiliar friends. It started a couple weeks ago when I noticed that there was a sedan with the license plate 4JOYJEN. 4JOYJEN was a Jeep in the parking lot, so how did she suddenly become a sedan??? I wondered if maybe they'd bought a new car but managed to keep the old license plate? Is that even possible? But then yesterday I saw the Jeep with 4JOYJEN plates again, so then I was really confused. And then last night when I was taking out the garbage, the car was parked in a completely different place (most people just park in front of where they live, so that's a bit strange, really) and I realized that between the two cars, they've covered three of the four sides of the giant square that makes up the Orchid Court parking lot!

What's the deal? Are they doing something illegal with their cars or with their license plates? The taxes here are crazy high for cars-- you have to pay state tax AND county tax-- so I wonder if they're somehow trying to not pay or something... Weird, huh?

And yes, if you're thinking, "That's all fine and good, Alanna, but you should probably consider getting a life," I totally agree. Maybe next year.

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