Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, for those of you who were concerned, I'm pleased to report that Kendra is smiling at me today for the first time in nearly a week! So I guess she is well on her way to recovery. I have to admit that I, for one, am very relieved. She was so sad and grumpy and just not herself at all that I was beginning to worry that I would never get my charming, happy baby back again!

Her rash was actually much worse yesterday, but it seems to have gone away overnight; I can't see any sign of it now. It must have put up a fight before leaving, though, because she cried from about two in the morning until four last night... It was a very long night for me. And for her. But just now as I was feeding her, she kept taking breaks from eating to play with my face and smile at me. Hallelujah! This whole last week, if she paused at all during her feeding it was just to scowl and whimper at me, which really isn't much fun. So this is a huge improvement. It's weird because she wrinkles her nose up to smile sometimes and I think that's a lot of fun, but this week when that nose began to wrinkle it just meant she was angry at me. I got a lot of those looks this week, actually. It's so nice to have happy wrinkles again! Even now as I'm typing she's laying on the floor next to me smiling and kicking and playing with her jingly toy (and pooping, but I guess that goes without saying...). Anyway, one big cheer for getting my Kendra back finally!

Now I guess I'd better go change that diaper.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Yay!! I'm really glad she's starting to feel better and that she's smiling again. :0)